Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day Two

1 banana
1 cantelope

[48 oz. water]

green smoothie (1 raw egg, 1 package blueberries, 1 orange, handful baby spinach, 2 TBS prenatal vitamins)

I read a really informative post on the 80/10/10 diet here: http://www.rawfoodinfo.com/hotline/Jan06_hotline.html

It scared me away from veganism, frankly. Hence the egg. I strongly feel that raw food is the optimal way for me to eat - there's a lot of information to sift through about nutrition period and raw food in particular. I keep coming back to the wisdom in "Green For Life" by Victoria Boutenko and Carol Alt's "Raw 50".

So I will let my own personal experience be my guide (the point of this journal).

How I felt yesterday: shaky, very shaky before I had my dinner of a large green salad. I woke feeling lighter and well-rested. I've also committed to having sashimi once or twice a week (raw salmon) in addition to a raw egg a day in the smoothie. I'm nursing our 14.5 month old, taking liquid prenatal vitamins. More later.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day One 80/10/10

After two stops and restarts, today is the new Day One of the 80/10/10 diet. Quick info about who I am and why I'm writing about my food habits:

It keeps me honest.
I'm interested in exactly what I eat - recording it here helps me see exactly where I'm going right or wrong.
If this works, I'll like seeing where I came from and how I got there.

So, today I ate:

1 apple
1 banana
green smoothie (1 banana, 1 orange, 1 apple, handful of baby spinach, 16 oz. water blended)
large baby spinach salad with shredded carrots and cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower, sunflower seeds, raisins, and cantelope slices.